Friday, January 28, 2011

Astrology and Black Swans

Hello all,

I have decided to try a new process.  I am finding I cannot type fast enough for my thinking, so I want to begin recording my blog entries.  This morning I decided to talk about a recent book purchase, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and how it relates to Astrology in general and my practice in particular.

Enjoy the recording!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Book Recommendation - Soul Sick Nation by Jessica Murray

It is rather easy to find a essential books for Astrologers to read, such as Horoscope Symbols by Robert Hand or Astrology and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo.  It is much harder to find essential books for both Astrologers and non-Astrologers to read, and so far, I have only found two.  Perhaps readers of this blog will have some other suggestions; if so, I hope you will share them.  Up until two weeks ago, I had only one book on this rarefied list, Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas.  Today, I want to add Soul Sick Nation by Jessica Murray.

Why should you ... no, no, why MUST you read this book?  Ms. Murray eloquently captures the true State of the Union for America and why it matters to the rest of the world.  Like it or not, as she says, so goes America, so goes the World.  And America is rotting from the inside and spreading that rot out to the rest of the world.  Condemn us though they may, most people and most countries would like to have America's level of overindulgence.  The problem, as Ms. Murray so astutely points out, is America's arrested spiritual development.  We are a nation that has devolved into a country run by adolescent behavior.  Spiritually speaking 13 year olds are at the helm of the ship, driving the car, and piloting the plane.  And she gets at the root of the problem with Astrological incisiveness; America is living the shadow of its Pluto in the 2nd House, where "getting mine" is taken to a dark level in the pursuit of control of resources.

From a Super Size Me philosophy to a Wag the Dog war, America has pushed self-interest to darkly divine status, where "Greed is Good" and acting immaturely is revered.  Murray chooses the Sibley Astrological chart for the Birth of the Nation and shows both America's potential and how the shadow side has erupted into the behavior of the common way.  The Bush presidency is the purest, unadulterated expression of America's dark side, where all the world is either "with us or against us."  No attempt was made to hide the fact that the rich have completely dismantled the safeguards that created a better country than had existed world wide, on the whole, for the benefits of its citizens.  And from an Astrological perspective, we need more blatant disregard to wake up the world.  I often joke that no one will really believe in Global Warming until the subways of New York are filled with ocean water and even then a large number of people in America will still believe it is a terrorist plot.  People in this country, generally, have embraced an i"gnorance is best" policy that is shamefully astounding.

If you want to see the deep power of Astrology, not only to point out how and why things are F'ed up, but also the answer that is the way out, then go buy Ms. Murray's book RIGHT NOW!  Really, no kidding, ALL CAPS.  And if you do and you do read it, I want to talk with you about it.  She has her pulse on a America and it's pretty erratic and headed towards cardiac arrest (can we say "implosion" of entitlement programs - Social Security and Medicare).  But she also has a very fundamental solution that calls of us to action at a level we can all manage if we choose to take up the call.  I am trying and I hope you will too.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ophiuchus Addressed

I'll admit, I'm going to cheat a little bit since other Astrologers have already responded quite eloquently to the issue of the "13th" Sign/Constellation.  I will provide links to their articles at the end of this blog entry.  But first, let me try to get at the core issue. Ophiuchus is not the core issue, but it does provide, to the non-Astrologer, an opportunity for Astrologers to reveal the core issue of Astrology, and it is this:

Astrology is the interpretation of data and an approximation of information into a meaningful narrative.  Essentially, it is a game.  And like a game it moves beyond the data and information to make a meaningful experience.  Ophiuchus is data that has been consciously ignored and the real question before us is this: 

Is the ignoring of Ophiuchus a deal breaker?  Is it the Holy Grail of Atheism for Astrology?  Is it the arrival of intelligent life from outer space completely obliterating humanity's belief that we alone have consciousness?  Not really.  But it clearly makes for good press!  And here's why ... the Sun moves through/in front of none of the signs/constellations for exactly 30 days.  In ALL cases the Sun moves in front of the constellations for differing amounts of time and the shortest of those times is through Scorpius (just 7 days), followed by Ophiuchus (at 18 days).  Basically, Scorpius and Ophiuchus got mashed together to fit the 12 month Gregorian Calendar.

Equally important is the fact the Western Astrology uses Seasons, another approximation, to mark the beginning of the signs.  So even though the constellations have shifted, we still keep the start of Spring marked at March 22.  Here's what Ophiuchus really reveals about Astrology and, honestly, all "mystery"/spiritual systems.  They vary.  Even within Tropical Astrology you have multiple ways to cast a chart based on different House Systems (over 10).  In Astrology generally, you have a two competing systems - Sidereal and Tropical.  You have systems that cast out the Houses (cosmobiology, as promoted by Rheinhart Ebertin) and ones that cast out the Signs (Fixed Star Astrology as promoted by Jamie and Marina Darkstar, one of the linked authors below).  Maybe Astrology is not your best guide; you can choose palmistry, Runes, Tarot, psychology, or science.  Or mix it all up.

In Sidereal Astrology I end up with a Pisces Sun sign and when I look at the fully cast chart, I learn something useful about myself.  I bet if I decided to run a chart with Ophiuchus and all the signs/constellations with exactly their time for the Sun to cross the path, I would learn something useful that way as well.  The universe is big enough to teach us something using this constellation or ignoring it.  What it does not do is throw Astrology into the trash bin; it really helps bring illumination on a subject that, I think, moving into the future, we are going to need more and more help from.

As promised, here's what others have to say:
Philip Young, PhD

      Saturday, January 8, 2011

      Spirit Animal Reading for me by Archana

      Truly, the Internet is an amazing tool.  Through Facebook, I met Archana, who lives in California.  It was one of those random/non-random experiences, as she was really just a photo on a friend's page that caught my eye.  We leapt into profound connection and exchanged readings with each other.  I provided her with an astrology reading and she gave me a  Spirit Animal reading, which I am sharing with you below,  including my comments about each card.  These reading processes are deeply helpful and, I believe, should become part of everyone's spiritual practice at regular (maybe every birthday) and as needed intervals.  Below is a photo of the cards and the reading itself.


      Patience, I have found, is often rewarded ... and quite highly.  This reading is most helpful and dead on accurate.  I'll share my story after each position/card (and I did get the image of the cards, thank you).

      On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:19 AM, archana sachdev <> wrote:
      Hey Philip,
      Thanks again for your patience....

      9 totem card reading expressing your soul's purpose and lessons in this birth

      1-East-This animal guides you to your greatest spiritual challenges and guards your path to illumination.

      Blue Heron:This card is about diving into the depths of your inner self......go into your own unconscious/shadow work,in order to find your spiritual will help you develop inner strength and certainty of purpose...and trust your path...Hero emerges from the unseen world of spirit into a new balanced sense of self....

      In August of 2009, I had a mental break that turned out to be a spiritual awakening.  I didn't have to be institutionalized or go on psychological medication, but I thought long and hard about both.  Fortunately I had the human support around me to help through the deep soul work that really caused me to withdraw from life for a while.  I'm still working through the tail end of it and in spiritual work terms that means probably another 6 months.  It's all part of several mid-life transits beginning with Pluto square my Natal Pluto, Uranus opposing my Natal Uranus, Neptune/Chrion squaring my Natal Neptune, and Saturn opposing my Natal Saturn (from 37 to 45).  For much of this time I have felt "lost" and unable to feel purposeful (especially the impact of Neptune/Chiron).  The depth work is finally revealing and renewing my purpose as a teacher, but it has been one hell of a descent into the underworld.

      2- south - protects the child within and reminds you when to be humble and when to trust/balanced personality

      Frog- if you have been stressed take a break....relaxation/bath/cleansing....replenish your parched spirit..
      getting rid of distractions...make the waters clear again...
      frog people have clearing energy,to remove negativity from any environment...
      so,the way to balance your personality would be-
      to take a break and cleanse yourself of any person place or thing that does not contribute to a new state of serenity and replenishment...

      In June of 2010 we had a family move in with us.  The family was in pretty dire straits and we were looking for some intentional community to help us in the care of daughter and to ease the burden of life in general.  We were hoping for a win/win scenario.  Unfortunately the adult (single mother) has proved to be too unhappy to remain here and they are in the process of moving out.  The situation that was supposed to help relieve stress became a terrible source of stress.  It was only this past week that final arrangements to work out a plan to move out came into focus and I finally felt relief from a terrible tension.  This weekend and the next few weeks as they move more and more of their possession out of the house and into storage is a clearing period of negative energy.  Once they are completely gone, I will call upon the Frog energy to fully cleanse our home.

      3- west- personal truth and inner answers...path to your goals

      Raven- magic/unknown....
      power of the unknown is at work,and something special is about to happen...
      recognize it and use it to further your growth...
      bring the magical messages that come from the darkness/the void, in to doing so you will honor the magician within....

      so the path to your goals is,to openly receive messages from the world of mysteries,in to the light of the day-share it with people...

      Neptune square Natal Neptune is a profound transit and it is about SURRENDER.  During this transit you must learn to react and accept what is given by the universe. I am deeply learning that lesson and it has been a challenge, especially for someone like me who has lived a life of control.  Control may be an illusion, but even so, my illusion/delusion was a pretty strong one and one I enjoyed.  Waiting for the mystery to unfold has been a great spiritual lesson for me, and not without some dark days.  But in the end and over the course of the journey, I have learned to trust that some times in life are about deep and profound listening.  And I do feel that many of the things I've heard since August of 2009 are messages I will share with the world, even if its just the people in my immediate life.

      4- north- wise counsel and also-when to speak and when to listen

      Dog- reminds you that your  greatest loyalty must be towards your own truth

      being loving even to people who have wronged you,since you have a compassionate understanding of human of service

      This attribute has gotten stretched almost to the breaking point ... at least well past the point of being taken advantage of.  I have learned that while I need to be loving to people who have wronged me, I need to make sure going forward that I better guard against those in need who will be ungrateful or act entitled.  I do understand human shortcomings, but I also have learned that people must be responsible for and accept the consequences of their shortcomings and some of those consequences can be very, very harsh.  I have to help the people who want to be helped and appreciate help and turn away from the people who need to learn the lesson of failure.

      5-above- how to honor the great star nation...dreamtime-personal access to the other world

      In order to access the other world, you need to 'CREATE'
      or you might be coming too close to an entagling situation
      use a journal to write down and review your progress-if you do this,you will be conscious about how you are creating a new phase of your won reality

      My Sun has progressed into Gemini and I am still adjusting to the energy of this sign in my Solar path.  I had no idea how active the Gemini mind is and I am still trying to learn how to manage this constant pursuit of new ideas and information.  Writing has been the release valve, which occurs in my blogs and through Facebook actually.  I am reading more than I ever have and that's not a small thing to say since I've had periods in my life when reading was my professional obligation (graduate school).  I have novels and books on astrology and tarot clamoring around in my head that are not yet ready for the light of day, but are developing, percolating, peeking out, and at the ready to burst forth when the thoughts finally align.

      6- below- about the inner earth,how to stay grounded on your path

      Coyote- medicine is about laughter and joking....
      what helps you stay close to your own inner earth is having a light hearted playful attitude on one hand,but on the other hand also making sure that you are looking beyond illusions since this card can have a trickster energy,which can take you away from the reality....
      so - sense of humor and staying in touch with reality through  meditation...

      In the last 6 months, when doing a random draw from the Osho Zen Tarot, I have drawn the Playfulness card some 9 or 10 times.  Before starting to draw that card and from August 2009 until really August 2010, I lost my smile ... my inner smile and could not muster the energy to laugh.  Even my daughter's joy, which is immense and infectious could not penetrate deep enough to pull me out of my spiritual darkness.  But she did provide me with a tether and her laughter did keep me from falling completely into darkness, as did the support of my partner Betsy and my parents.  Without those tethers and many, many others along the way (friends, fellow astrologers, someone like you), I'm pretty sure I would have been swallowed up by the darkness.  Now I am laughing again and trying to play more while certainly feeling I have been "touched" by reality ... that profound, non-duality of reality :-).

      7 - within - heart's joy,personal truths....protector of your sacred space...

      Owl- guides you to your personal truth by giving you a gift or 'clear vision'
      nobody can deceive may not be awar of your abilities,but people do....owl people know more about people's inner lives than they themselves do (this is certainly a good quality for an astrologer)

      you are being asked to use your own powers to intuit some life situation....owl might bring you msgs through dreams or meditation,you must listen in silence....maybe some omens...

      Oh yes, I do feel my "eyes have been opened" about many things most recently and I am trying to manage how to use this newly found "clear vision."  My astrology work has most definitely benefited.  When I am in silence, I am listening with "clear ears" and it is amazing what I am hearing.  Not only am I experiencing my personal profound transformation, I am hearing the profound transformation of our world.  More than ever, I can see through people and this most recent situation involving the family has cleared a field of my vision in a truly dramatic way.

      8 Right side- protector of male side- your father protector within, courage and warrior side

      wolf- might be called to write or lecture to share knowledge with the help people understand their path in life...
      shareing of great truths to take human consciousness to higher planes...
      seek lonely places to commune with the teacher within....look for teachings/teachers everywhere....

      I recently started teaching in college again.  I have been allowed, by the universe, to find my way to a community college and I felt the most significant surge of my personal power teaching in a classroom again.  It is one of my callings, of which I am finding there are three great ones.  The other two are astrologer/tarot reader and priest.  They all intertwine.  I have thought of all the things I could be, could have been, and could still pursue, but, at the end of the day, I am a teacher and constantly being taught.

      9 - left - protector of female side- learn to receive abundance,nurture yourself and others.... it also teaches about r'ships

      Don't worry about the future,not meant to be mentally 'figured out'
      embrace the unknown and flow with the mystery....
      leap into the void with implicit 'TRUST'
      avoid interruptions and go into your own self discovery and healing process....
      you will receive unexpected blessings.....

      I have just reached this realization in the deep way necessary to reap the harvest of its message.  I became lost to regain my faith and to rediscover trust. 

      Thank you so much for this reading.

      Monday, January 3, 2011

      Happy New Year


      It's been a while since I posted.  The end of last year really filled up my days and I could not seem to find the right subject or the right time to write at length or regularly.  I started writing a beginning astrology series that I do want to continue this year and entries on mid-life transits.  I'm currently weathering my Uranus Opposition and Neptune Square, two transits people born between 1967 and 1970 will be experiencing until 2012.  I'm looking in the direction of my Saturn Opposition as my next mid-life entry.  I guess my new year's resolution, like many bloggers, is to try to write regularly and on topics of mutual interest to myself and my followers.  And hopefully I will pick up more followers.  Maybe I should plan a "Year in Review" entry that can coincide with significant transits and progressions.  That should definitely be a blog entry for this week or next.

      But today I want to write about a fantastic opportunity that started my new year.  Back in December of 2005 I was ordained as a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek.  I chose this Order because the Priests and Priestesses are all of unique and, for the most part, self-designed faiths and practices.  At the height of my excitement I created a website for my priesthood which outlines my beliefs and practices.  One role I am able to perform, but, until January 1, 2011, had not performed is a marriage.  This past week, while trying to arrange a visit to my friends Adam and Anne, they asked me if I could marry two friends of theirs (Anna and Zachary).  I, of course, said, "yes, absolutely."  Our family traveled down to see them on New Year's Eve and we planned the wedding for New Year's Day.  The ceremony was very simple, by a pond, in the woods behind Adam/Anne and Zachary/Anna's houses.  It was such a fantastic way to start my new year.

      2011 looks to be quite different from 2010 and the upcoming 2012.  I like to describe it as a lull between storm fronts, a time to prepare.  The storm has not cleared and the real thrust of it has not yet arrived; that will be the energetic work of 2012 to 2015, when Uranus (in Aries) squares Pluto (in Capricorn) and Neptune and Chiron permanently enter Pisces.  We will really feel the New Age with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all in new signs.  But for this year, a time to gather your friends around you, save money, pay down debt, meditate, organize, ... prepare.  I'll be advising all my clients to prepare!  And that will mean different actions for different clients.  For myself I am trying to manifest my family closer to me, increased savings, more work, and continued good health.  I'm not looking to expand as much as I am looking to have enough and save my extra :-).  I still have a spiritual awakening journey to complete and I have one current hurdle that should help me start to see the downward slide.  2010 was a humdinger ... and my spiritual ears are still ringing ;-).  But I'm also still standing, and looking better in the pocket than Brett Farve ... who coincidentally is getting his Uranus Opposition at this time!

      All in all, I want to wish everyone reading this blog a Happiest of New Years and appreciate your interest in my words.  Hopefully I will have plenty of brilliant ones for you this new year!
