Monday, December 30, 2013

More New Year's Day Magic - New Moon/Super Moon

This post is an addendum to the previous post about the conjunction of the Sun and Pluto, in Capricorn, on New Year's Day.  On that same day, we will experience a New Moon and it will also be a Super Moon, meaning that it will be "the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth."  Of course, during the New Moon phase, there will be no disk so to see.  Amazingly, there will be a second New Moon Super Moon on 1/30/2014, so two in January.

The New Moon represents new beginnings, a clean slate.  That this one falls on 1/1 and is a Super Moon, the meaning and message are both clear and powerful; this will be a time to put powerful energy into new endeavors, clear out old emotional issues, and embrace the energy of new emotional opportunity.  When the Sun and Pluto align at 11 degrees 17 minutes at 1:55 PM, the Moon will be in Capricorn at 15 degrees and 51 minutes, well within the Orb of Influence (6 degrees) to create a conjunction (or merging) with the Sun and Pluto.  Really, to say that this New Year's Day is unique and powerful requires writing both those words - UNIQUE AND POWERFUL - in all caps, including  the 'and'.

Remember, Capricorn energy is about setting goals, having ambition, planning for the future, understanding the level of investment/commitment necessary to achieve, and taking the long view.  You should use the early part of the day to visualize where you would like to be 5, 10, 15, even 20 years from now.  What you put in your mind and spirit that day will have the chance to go the distance, so you want to be thoughtful about your wishes (see my post on New Moon wishing, and get yourself a copy of New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller).  Then make sure to write down or, in some other way, capture your thoughts (through art, recording, tattooing, or any medium that can preserve your intentions).

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