Friday, November 5, 2010

Tarot Meditation Card for the Day - Osho Zen Tarot - 7 of Rainbows, Patience

I appreciate the Osho Zen tarot because the imagery so often perfectly communicates the concept described by the keyword on the card. This card, the 7 of Rainbows (Patience), has one of the best pictorial representations of all the cards in the set.

When you draw this card you face the task of accepting that some things in life have a rhythm that you cannot speed up or slow down!  Hence the card shows us the phases of the moon and the woman who is pregnant.  These natural processes follow predictable cycles, especially the phases of the moon.  The human body is not quite as predictable, reliable, or hard to manipulate as the Moon orbiting Earth orbiting the Sun.  We all have situations in our lives where we want things to either speed up or slow down and we have trouble seeing the optimal process.

This circumstance is especially true when two or more people are involved.  We want someone to "get it" so we can move forward, trying to ignore the process of the other person in favor of what we want.  Or perhaps we are the person trying desperately to "get it" and we cannot make the process accelerate.  Maybe we "get it', but don't "want it" and we do everything we can to slow or stop the process.  Patience is not just a state of right activity, but also a state of right understanding.

On a personal level, as I have been on the journey of a spiritual awakening, I have had many a day of impatience, wishing I could "get on with it" and "be done" with the drama and struggle of being thrown completely out of my comfort zone.  I know what a comfort zone feels like and many days wish I could get back in one, not the one I had before, but the next one I'm moving towards.  Unfortunately, the transition often has its own agenda and sometimes what is best takes time.  Drawing this card is often very calming for me, a message from myself to myself to "settle down" and let things unfold as they will ... because they will.  Trying to force the issue before the right time or out of the right rhythm almost always results in negative outcomes.

As you read this post, think about any area of your life, any situation you feel impatient about and take a step back mentally.  What is the lesson in the "not happening"?  What is the cycle and how are you out of step with it and how do you get in step?  Where in your life do you need patience and how can you support that patience in your actions and thinking?

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