Monday, September 19, 2011

The Transitioning of America (Part 3) - Pluto

Pluto just went direct two days ago (9/17), roughly at the time that President Obama presented a budget solution that finally includes raising taxes on the wealthy and the corporations.  All of the other outer planets continue to be retrograde at this time and mostly what we see in the news are ongoing attempts to "return to normal" and avoid the day of reckoning for as long as possible, even though the event is likely just on the horizon.  As he put it today, "we can't just cut our way out of this hole."  Tax increases represent part of the Capricorn energy.  Most people do not know that tax rates on the rich were once 91% (in the 1950's) and cut down to 70% in 1965 and much further (into the 28 to 35%) during the Reagan/Bush I presidencies.

Looming on the horizon is a Greek default, describes not as "if, but when" by economist John Mauldin.  October looks to be the trigger month unless the European politicians "kick the can further down the road," which is always possible.  In November, Chiron (11/11/11) and Neptune (11/10/11) will go direct, creating more "forward moving energy."  If the can is kicked down the road, November may then become the move forward month.  If not then, the end of December and the beginning of January 2012, could provide the final  energetic push when all the outer planets (and Jupiter) will be direct.  Expect fits and starts from now until the end of the year and never underestimate the power of denial.  In the end, 2012 will likely be the explosive year many predict, but probably not because of natural disasters, though they may be part of the picture.  The larger disaster ,considered in terms of human consciousness, is this mess with the global economy.

Basically, Pluto in Capricorn is showing us that we have borrowed our future away and returning to equilibrium is likely to be a very painful process without some very serious and significant changes ... and probably forgiveness of debt obligations.  Many of the "rich" will find themselves in a "former employee of Lehman Brothers" situation if they cannot bring  in the money on the debt they purchased through credit default swaps and they cannot "steal" through another TARP.  Hard choices are coming and the best way to face them will be through local community connection and support.  Clear whatever debt you can and network with friends and family in case you could get caught in the tidal wave looming on the horizon.  The real tests will come between 2012 and 2015 when Uranus and Pluto square.  It is not so much massive earthquakes or tsunamis that we face, but a massive upheaval socially that is already being played out microcosmically in the Middle East through various revolutions.  These near future times will certainly be "interesting" to a degree not experienced since, really, the 1960s.

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