Monday, August 16, 2010

Cycles and Patterns in Astrology

Astrology is filled with cycles and patterns.  Every energy point makes its way around the circle of the horoscope.  A birth chart, whether a person's birth or the birth of an event (the day you got married, opened your business, the US declared its independence), marks a starting point in the infinite cycles of the universe.  When I was born, my Sun began its journey at 23 degrees of the sign of Aries.  And every year, though not exactly at the same time on the same day (the universe is circular, but not precise), the Sun will return to 23 degrees Aries and I will have experienced one solar cycle.  At the time of this writing, I have experienced 42 solar cycles.  Other energy points move more slowly.  Saturn, for example, does not completely cycle from my birth until 28 to 30 and I will not live to see my Pluto cycle (247ish years).  The US, on the other hand, will and in fact, right now, is experience its first Pluto cycle, referred to in astrological terms as a Return.  Every energy point Returns to its original degree and restarts the cycle anew.   My Solar Return occurred last year (April 12, 2009) on the same day as my birth (April 12) at 8:48PM (pretty close to my birth time of 9:39PM).  My first Saturn Return (hopefully I'll live past 60 and have two Saturn Returns in my life) occurred in May of 1997 when I was 29.

Returns are very important because they represent "renewal with knowledge."  Every year of my Solar Return I add new knowledge and experience, which, hopefully, I convert to wisdom.  Each energy point is a source of certain kinds of wisdom.  The Sun is the energy of our Life Path and it make sense for this energy to re-cycle yearly while the rest of the energies of the chart take longer.  Saturn teaches us about restrictions and limitations and the first Return often requires us to evaluate our lives to see if all the key elements are on track or not (work, relationship, health, and so on).  Saturn likes to follow the conservative path; so in the first cycle we can often find ourselves living lives handed down by our family and our culture instead of ones we chose from our inner guidance.  If those two "realities" clash, we will either begin the unwinding process (divorce if a marriage is involved, moving if living in the wrong place is involved, a change of career if we're doing the wrong work) or we will do our best to keep the square peg going into the round hole, but we will now forever know that the peg and the hole do not match.  If you want to get a good measure of Astrology and its usefulness for yourself, then consider getting or casting your charts ahead of the cycles of your energy points:
  • Sun - Yearly
  • Moon (if you want to keep a Moon journal) - approximately every 28 days (13 times a year)
  • Mercury - Yearly (more or less; it has an erratic orbit)
  • Venus - Yearly
  • Mars - every 2 years
  • Jupiter - 12 years
  • Saturn - 29 1/2 years
  • Chiron - 50 years
  • Uranus - 84 years
  • Neptune - 166 years
  • Pluto - 247 years
Not everyone will make it to a Uranus Return and no one will see their Neptune or Pluto Returns.  It is, however, well worth it to cast charts looking back (if certain returns have already past, say a couple of Jupiter Returns) or forward to key Returns.  If you want to delve deeper into your chart, you can look at key angular relationships that occur between the start and conclusion of a Return - 2 squares and 1 opposition.  These angular relationships are important markers in the journey of the Return, when the energy point conjuncts itself and Returns to its origin degree.  In the case of my Saturn, the Return or 0 point of the 360 degree cycle is 16 degrees Aries.  Along the way around, Saturn will be at 90 degrees, then 180 degrees, then 270 degrees from the 0 point and exert serious energy on itself at those times.  In our life times that means roughly 7 to 8 years old, 14 to 15 years old, and 21 to 22 years old.  See any significant pattern in your own life with those times in terms of your personal and our cultural development?  How about 3, 6, and 9 (the square, opposition, square of Jupiter)?  Chiron ignites itself at 12 to 13, 24 to 25, and 35 to 36?

For each of us, these returns and other connects are significant and for many of us certain of these energy returns and connections are extremely important depending on the configuration of the energies in our charts.  Saturn is a massive player in my chart because it is right next to my North Node which is right next to my Sun and (on the other side) right next to my Mercury which is right next to my Venus.  As you can imagine any time Saturn squares, opposes, and squares again I get a big energetic hit on my chart.  My next super infusion of energy from Saturn will occur in September of 2011 when it will oppose from Libra at 16 degrees.  The meaning of that energetic relationship will be defined by the nature of a opposition, which is to find balance, and its placement by Sign (Libra) and House (12th - Spirituality).  I will be working to balance my Spiritual (12th House) affairs with my Work and Service (6th House) affairs using the energy of Analysis and Decision-Making (Libra) and my birth energy of Action (Aries).  When squares occur, you face energy of challenge and disruption from the energy point.  Your Jupiter challenges itself at the ages of 3 and 9, 15 and 21.  And so on with the energy points that Return throughout your life time.

Since Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have such large cycles and you may not (Uranus) and will not (Neptune/Pluto) experience the Returns, the squares and oppositions become important.  As you begin to get a feel for the 1st Square, Opposition, 2nd Square, Return pattern, you will also begin to see overlap at key times.  Take the age of 21 for example.  You get both the 2nd Saturn Square and 2nd 2nd Jupiter Square (that's not a typo ... Jupiter is in its second Return cycle so the 2nd Square of that 2nd cycle falls in the same year as the 1st 2nd Square of your Saturn cycle).  For this reason, certain ages in our lives are "amplified" astrologically speaking.  With Uranus, you get your 1st Square at, yes, 21.  21 one is a big deal!!  The Opposition occurs at 40 to 42 and the 2nd Square at 61 to 63 (just on the heels of your 2nd Saturn Return).  Your 1st Neptune Square is around 42 ... yes, look out for 42, its a barn burner! and the Opposition occurs in the mid-80s of life.  The one major Pluto on Pluto relationship is the 1st Square somewhere between 47 and 55 (a wide range because of its elongated orbit).  It will fall for some right at the same time as your Chiron Return; make sure your seat belt is fastened if that's the case.

Astrology is a tool for use and reuse in  your life.  If you want to understand your story, looking back if you are well into life (say past 35) or looking forward (perhaps a teenager who has found astrology or a parent looking in on your child), then there are predictable key times to have charts cast (or cast forward for those times).  Below is the timing list worth casting (approximate time ranges 1 to 2 years around the time listed):
  • 12 years old (1st Jupiter Return, 1st Chiron Square)
  • 14/15 years old (2nd 1st Jupiter Square, Saturn Opposition)
  • 21 years old (2nd Saturn Square, 1st Uranus Square, 2nd 2nd Jupiter Square)
  • 25 (Chiron Opposition)
  • 28/29 (Saturn Return)
  • 35/36 (2nd 1st Saturn Square, 3rd Jupiter Return)
  • 37/38 (2nd Chiron Square)
  • 41/42 (Uranus Opposition, 1st Neptune Square, 3rd 1st Jupiter Square)
  • 48 (4th Jupiter Return)
  • 50 (Chiron Return, 1st Pluto Square)
  • 60 (2nd Saturn Return, 5th Jupiter Return)
  • 62/63 (2nd Uranus Square)
A professional Astrologer can look at your birth chart and identify other key hot spots in the story of your life as well as tell you which energy points play the more significant role.  For some of us, it may be Saturn is at the top of the list, for others it may be Neptune.  Some people may have charts where several energy points vie for positions of dominance.  Astrology really is your personal story unfolding.

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