Sunday, August 15, 2010


This blog has been set up as an extension of my Astrology and Tarot practice.  I hope to use this tool to post information about current energetic trends in Astrology and best practices for Tarot reading.  I plan to present reading techniques and reviews of current events based on Astrological relationships.  Appropriately I am starting this blog while Uranus is dancing around the cusp of Pisces and Aries.  Once in Aries permanently the world is going to need all the pioneering (Aries) innovative (Uranus) energy it can get.  We face numerous relationships of energy points that in times past have been in play during massive upheavals in human civilization (most recently the American and French Revolutions, WWW I and the Great Depression, the creation and dropping of the atomic bomb, the counterculture of the 1960's, and the first peak oil crisis of the mid 1970's).  Each of the events had a single key astrological relationship and now we are living in a time when each of those key relationships are happening together.  I will do my best to highlight the hot spots and what they will mean for humanity energetically while we go through them living in the culture of our times. 


  1. When does the Aries/Uranus permanent change happen?

  2. March 2011; it will retrograde soon after but not cross back into Pisces. After March 2011 it will permanently be in Aries.
