Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Recommendation - Spiritual Astrology: A Path to Divine Awakening by Spiller and McCoy

Lately I have been fortunate to run across a number of excellent books on Astrology.  Currently, at the top of my list, is Spiritual Astrology: A Path to Divine Awakening by Jan Spiller and Karen McCoy. I picked this book up just before my visit to see my grandfather two weekends ago.  Up front, this book focuses on the past life/karma aspect of Evolutionary Astrology and talks about the placement of each energy point by sign and house in terms of past and present contracts with the universe.  Especially enlightening is the last part of the book on prenatal Solar and Luna Eclipses, which Spiller writes, "I found that for the vast majority of people (4000 charts studied), their solar eclipse sign indicated lessons they had come to teach their fellow beings, while their lunar eclipse sign guided them to the lessons they needed to learn in order to continue on their own soul growth." (p. 205).  A very simple table in the back will show you which sign the Solar and Lunar Eclipse occurred in before after your conception and before your birth.  In some cases people (like myself) have double Solar and/or Lunar Eclipses.  I happen to have double both - Scorpio & Aries for Solar and Aries & Libra for Lunar; I was born during the Libra Lunar Eclipse.  

You can imagine the conundrum I face with both a Solar Aries prenatal eclipse and a Lunar Aries prenatal eclipse.  I am, apparently, in this lifetime, learning to teach independence and figure out how to be independent in one and the same life time!  Besides this excellent section on eclipses, the first part of the book covers all the primary energy points beginning with the Sun and ending with Pluto.  Since Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all generational energy points, the house placement of each one in your chart is immensely important.  My generation, with Neptune in Scorpio is concerned with, "realizing the higher levels of shared material ownership on a planetary level." (p. 120)  We are certainly the generation to come into ownership of the "Global Economy".  Personally, with Neptune in my 1st House (using the Whole Sign system), my potential "unconscious expression" is self-deception and delusion.  On the "conscious level" I learn to speak my truth openly and honestly.  Throughout the book the authors make sure to deal with the positive and shadow expressions of all the energies as well as a host of other layers of interpretation, including: 
  • Your Window to the World,
  • Your Achilles Heel,
  • Your Past Life Gifts, and  
  • Self-Actualization

Additionally, this book is very accessible to novice astrologers.  You just need a casting of your chart, which you can get done for free at Astrodienst online.  Once you have your chart in hand, you can go through the book and learn a great deal about your contract with the universe and what you should be doing and how you should be doing it.  A must have for your astrology library.

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