I drew the 5 of Rainbows after writing about the two Major Arcana cards, Existence (1) and Change (10).
This card resonates with me on many levels and, I think, is very appropriate as a global expression regarding the state of the world and our role in it. From the book, the description points out: "The small child is standing on one side of the gate, looking through it. He is so small, and so convinced he cannot get through, he cannot see that the chain holding the gate is not locked; all he has to do is open it." (146) We have a magnificent world we can enjoy and co-create, but instead we believe ourselves blocked. The gate can be a metaphor for any difference that separates us from the natural world and ourselves (war, ethnicity, culture, gender). We believe we need a gatekeeper to let us out to the other side, whether it is a politician, guru, teacher, parent, or any other authority figure. In fact, we do not.
I am responsible, and so are you. Guides, acting in the best interest of others, will help each of us attain authenticity, humanity, and connection. To draw this card is to "feel yourself an outsider. This is good. This is a transitory period. Now you have to be alert not to fill yourself with pain and misery. Now that God is no longer there, who will console you? You don't need any consolation. Humanity has come of age. Be a man, be a woman, and stand on your own feet ..." It certainly helps me to read the words "be alert not to fill yourself with pain and misery." The behavior of our people, all people, generally, is not at its best. I have had my own challenges with greed and am constantly feeling the need to be vigilant against scarcity thinking. Such thinking has created a global crisis in economics and resource management. And the paradox is this: we perceive scarcity in this world today because we want more than we deserve, are willing to work for, be patient for, or the world has to offer. The world is fully abundant if we do not make demands beyond its abundance. As one writer on the economy put it, you cannot change the weather by adjusting the thermometer and you cannot increase the amount of oil in the ground by adjusting the instruments recording our consumption of it.
I feel an Outsider most days because what has been normalized has become very foreign to me. And so I find it very interesting that a new phrase from economist John Mauldin, The New Normal, is gaining ground. I am hopeful that the new normal will be more and more of what is on the other side of the gate ... that we can leave behind the behaviors that have brought us to a period of significant transformation and bless this transformation. I think we can make the changes if we embrace sustainability and throw away growth as our mantra for existence. I think we can make the changes if we slow down and take care in life instead of trying to move ever faster and consume in greater quantities. I think we can make these changes if we share openly and transparently our knowledge and experience, instead of trying to privatize everything and act as if we own anything. I am trying to do my part each day :-).
I don't believe in tarot too much but i love astrology.Indian Astrology