Your birth chart represents a snapshot of the energy points in the sky at the time of your birth. When you took your first breath, you initiated a new consciousness into the drama of the universe, carrying that snapshot energy with you throughout your life time. As the universe continues to unfold the cycles of energy impact your birth story through moments of energetic impact when the energy points of today align by certain angles (aspects) with the energy points of your birth chart. When you are around the age of 7, Saturn in the sky would have been approximately 90 degrees from your birth Saturn position. So, if you had Saturn at 5 degrees of Aries when you were born, then at 7 Saturn would be at 5 degrees of Cancer. It would have transitioned from your birth to the current location at the time of 7 years of age. An astrologer would say, "Transiting Saturn is square your Natal Saturn." Transits are extremely important because they alert us to key moments in life when energy is spiking for us and how we can face the particulars of the energy spike.
At times, two transiting energy points can form their own aspect, as happened recently when Saturn in Libra was square (90 degrees from) Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is the energy of restriction, the past, and rules. Pluto is the energy of transformation. So its not hard to imagine that when these two energy points align by aspect there is some serious energy spikes occurring. Saturn resists change and Pluto brings about change. And Pluto is STRONGER. Change, as the paradox goes, is the one constant in the universe. When Pluto initiates a change by entering a new house and sign, the world and the individual are forced to take notice. Pluto entered Capricorn in January of 2008 ... notice anything? And in the US chart that meant that Pluto entered the 2nd house, the home of personal wealth, needs, and values. Capricorn is about paying dues, and guess which energy point rules Capricorn ... Saturn! With Pluto in Saturn's sign we can expect fundamental changes to our most long standing and long lasting structures. The claim that anything in this world is "too big to fail" is hubris in the face of life's ever changing and evolving energy.
So what can happen when Saturn and Pluto connect energy via the energy cord of an aspect? Old structures begin to crumble in order for new structures to emerge. However, as with any process involving these or any other energy points, there is always a continuum of negative to positive expression. Saturn's positive expression is "the right structure or rule at the right time." Its negative expression is "to resist change at all costs." Pluto's positive expression is to embrace necessary change and help facilitate it. Its negative expression is to manipulate change for subversive or selfish gain. The change, however, is going to happen. Keeping in mind the positive/negative expression of energy, let's look at three aspects between these two energy points that started in November 2009 (with Saturn/Libra square Pluto Capricorn) and that will end March 2020 (with Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn). During this transit period, both energy points will oppose the US Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury. As a nation we will be facing some of the most fundamental and structural changes of our history.
From November 2009 to October of 2010, we have felt the influence of Saturn and Pluto squaring one another. Squaring energy is highly conflicted and difficult to manage because the two players involve very different kinds of energy. In this case, the air energy of Libra and the earth energy of Capricorn are both trying to take the lead and have control. As I stated earlier, Pluto is stronger, so the Plutonian drive has the greater impact on reality. Consider the financial crisis; the government and private sector attempted Librian solutions (tax credits, bailouts, new financial rules); however, they did not do so in the spirit of the deep change brought on by Pluto in Capricorn. They have tried to save the system that caused the problem and hope to revive it in the nearly same form as it was leading up to the problem. They have played a language game (Air, communication), calling this shift a recession instead of a depression, and talking about slow growth instead of steady contraction and shrinkage. They are trying to use laws to keep the existing system in place (bonuses for CEOs, increasing the size of the few remaining big banks, transferring tax money to debt institutions). The square provided an opportunity and, I think, we saw essentially the negative expression of both Saturn and Pluto in our leadership.
The positive expression would have possibly looked something like this: only fixed loans would be available for new home purchases and new buyers would have to come with 20% to closing. Bad loans would fail and properties seized and transitioned onto the market, causing a nearly 50% drop in home values (or a return to basically the tax value of a home). Derivative markets would be closed; the stock market would be closed and only private investment would be allowed. Banks would no longer be usury institutions. Lobbyists would be removed from contact with political leaders. That's the kind of radical change in structure that is possible with this energy in play. We are a nation overburdened with debt and it is beginning to unwind and piling more debt on top will not bring about fiscal health.
Up next will be a sextile or 60 degree relationship between Saturn and Pluto beginning in December of 2012 until October of 2013. This relationship is more harmonious than the square and will involve an interesting situation called mutual reception. Saturn will be at 9 degrees of Scorpio when Pluto is at 9 degrees of Capricorn. The energy points will mutually receive each other because they will be in the ruling sign of the other: Saturn rules Capricorn where Pluto will be and Pluto rules Scorpio where Saturn will be. They will each receive energy from the sign placement of the other that will amp up their energies. Pluto in this case will be even stronger than during the square when it was connecting with Librian energy instead of Scorpionic energy. Now again there will be a chance to express positive or negative energy in helping to use structure to facilitate change. Now we have Saturn in the sign of deep truth, emotional commitment, and transformation. Pluto will still be chugging along with the unwinding of our world and US economy, but now Saturn will show and see the New Normal for what it is and will be. Major institutions will again face a chance to make significant changes in line with the Plutonian transformation or ... bury our heads even deeper in the sand and grab what power we can in our respective roles and lives.
Note that this transit aspect will be in full swing after the next US Presidential election. The first 6 months of the new President will either show great courage or intense fear. We will get either Churchill/FDR/Lincoln or Mussolini/Hitler/Stalin. This time will set the tone for the biggest transit aspect of them all, the conjunction, when the energies actually merge and show us the new structures for the next 35 to 40 years. Saturn/Pluto were conjunct in 1947 and 1982. Consider the shifts of American power for both of those times shortly after (our rise to power as one of the superpowers and then our move to become the lone superpower). With these two energies conjuncting nearly opposite the US Sun, those of us living in this country can expect a full reckoning of our nation's activities. If we arrive at that time as a nation in deep debt, we may find ourselves "bankrupt" and out of options. If we arrive having made significant changes asked of us by Pluto that require new structures and, in all likelihood, new frugality and humility, then we will continue to be a nation that leads in this world. We have a lot of work to do between now and 2020. Some of the work will be foisted upon us by newly emerging realities (resource shortages, deflation of assets, limited work opportunities, a large aging population, overpopulation), which will require some very honest assessments and innovative problem solving (fortunately, Uranus will be in Aries and again we will have an opportunity to express/leverage the positive energy of this transit). And, as it so happens, Uranus and Pluto will be square from 2012 to 2015.
If you are alive now, then you have chose to be born in one of the most dramatic and exciting times in human history. We may easily surpass both World Wars, The Great Depression, and the Revolutions of the 60s in this next 10 years alone. We could make a massive leap forward or backwards; it will all depend on our intentions, our thoughts, and our actions. I am glad you are all here sharing the journey with me.
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