Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cardinal T-Square, Change We Can Believe In!

I am opening this post with two videos, one from Steven Forrest and one from Northwatuppa, both professional astrologers of good standing, who talk about the current Cardinal T-Square that is in play until March of 2011.  I will follow the videos with my own thoughts about this important configuration.

Steven Forrest on Cardinal T-Square

Northwatuppa on the T-Square, Stellium, and Lilith

I doubt that even Barack Obama is prepared for the change unfolding, and it will be change we can believe in because, as Forrest suggests, we will finally feel enough pain to choose to react to many of the realities we have ignored: overpopulation, energy shortages, food shortages, environmental damage, and so on.  The financial crisis is a precursor and wake up call to help us begin the process of averting the very negative human responses to these global and human problems.  We can choose a lower or higher vibration, which is why I believe our next President will either need to be in the mold of Lincoln/FDR or open the door for a Mussolini/Hitler.  The times are that profound.  The most recent Tea Party Victory in the Republican Primary race for the Governor of New York is a prime example.  A very focused, Lilith group of people have chosen someone of negative social character because he is vocally expressing this group's anger and frustration over the financial crisis.

Sarah Palin's sustained presence in the media is another example of the Lilith energy Northwatuppa talks about.  It will only increase throughout 2011.  The question of the fall elections will be how much of this kind of energy enters the political landscape of this country.  As John Mauldin, an outstanding economist points out, there are not good choices at this time, only less bad or painful ones.  Currently we are following the same policy decisions that created the first Great Depression and we may need a Second one to get us to the level of pain that opened the door for FDR/Churchill, who coincidentally "ruled" at the same time as Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini.  The current stock market gains and sustaining numbers are as much of a mirage as the 8.5 million jobs created on the foundation of debt.  Now that the debt is unwinding, that illusion is reaching the basic levels of society.

In small pockets throughout the world, ideas like relocalization, sustainability, conservation, and even shrinkage are emerging.  These ideas are humanity's future.  We actually need consumption to decrease; we need new ideas about how to build neighborhoods, and slow life back down.  We need to do it consciously with the knowledge that it is going to happen in the form of a dead stop over a cliff if we don't start making changes during this very exciting and challenging time.  I am a "guarded optimist".  By that I mean, I believe all the Steven Forrest believes about the deep, transformative nature of this T-Square, but if I bet the odds, I'm inclined to expect that we will have a real chance of electing Sarah Palin or her equivalent in 2012 if unemployment continues to make its way to 20% based on the more accurate and inclusive U6 measure.

On the more personal level, the T-Square will exert its change influence in the areas of your life where Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus appear in your chart.  I'm getting my work in my Spirituality/12th House (Saturn), my Communication/Learning/ 3rd House (Pluto) and my Service to Others/Health/6th House (Uranus).  And boy am I feeling it.  Additionally, Pluto is squaring the stellium (6 energy points) in Aries/6th and Uranus will soon be conjunct all of them as it works its way through Aries.  No wonder I got a Spiritual Wake Up call last year that is and will be ongoing for at least 10 years (whoopie!).  If there was ever a good time to get your astrology chart read, now would be that time.

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